Friday, 5 July 2013

On seeing Anti-Flag.


This year has so far been amazing for gigs and it looks like it will continue to be so. I'm also feeling extra lucky as I've been seeing a lot of bands I never thought I would actually get to see.
One of those bands was Anti-Flag and I finally saw them last night. They were so good in fact that I can barely keep my eyes open today. They're still as political as ever and were getting everyone in the audience riled up. At one point they instructed people to send a text which would add them to a petition for freeing pussy riot. I admire how they have been able to hold onto their principles for so long and still use their music for good. On top of which they have an amazing energy and put on a great performance. I hope they keep doing what they're doing for a long time as they're bloody good at it.



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